Basic Structure of Linyi Power Cable


Basic Structure of Linyi Power Cable
Linyi power cable manufacturers kindly remind that the structural characteristics of Linyi power cables are composed of four components: copper core cables (electrical conductors), cable sheaths, metal shielding, and protective layers.
1. Wire core, which is a conductive part of Linyi power cable used to transmit electromagnetic energy, is the core part of the power cable.
2. Cable sheath is an indispensable part of the power cable system, which isolates copper core cables from the ground and copper core cables of different phases to ensure power transmission.
3. Metal shielding: Linyi power cables of 15KV and above generally have metal shielding for electrical conductors and metal shielding for insulation layers.
4. Protective layer: The function of the protective layer is to protect Linyi power cables from external debris and moisture, and to prevent immediate damage to the power cables caused by external forces.
What are the fire extinguishing methods for cable fire accidents?
The manufacturer kindly reminds that once the cable catches fire, the following methods should be used to extinguish the fire:
(1) Disconnect the switch power supply of the fire cable. When the cable catches fire, regardless of the cause, the power should be immediately turned off. Based on the route and characteristics of the cable, carefully identify the cause of the cable fault, and at the same time, quickly dispatch personnel to carry out firefighting.
(2) Disconnect the common faulty cable switch power supply in the cable trench. When the cables in the trench catch fire, if there is a significant probability of fire for the cables buried parallel to the trench, the cable switch power supply should be disconnected. If the cables are arranged in layers, first disconnect the switch power supply of the heating cable on the top of the fire cable, then disconnect the switch power supply of the cable on the side of the fire cable, and then disconnect the switch power supply of the cable below the fire cable.
(3) Close the fireproof doors and windows of the cable trench or block both sides of the cable trench. When the cables inside the cable trench catch fire, in order to prevent indoor ventilation and facilitate rapid firefighting, the fireproof doors and windows of the cable trench or block both sides of the leakage should be closed, and indoor breathing should be used to extinguish the fire.
(4) Linyi power cable manufacturers kindly remind that when a cable fire occurs, protective measures should be taken, as the cable can cause a lot of thick smoke and harmful gases when ignited. Firefighters should wear gas masks when extinguishing a cable fire. To avoid personal safety electric shock accidents during the process, workers should also wear rubber gloves and insulated boots. Once a high-voltage cable is found to be grounded, firefighting personnel should pay special attention. If the cause of the fault is within 4 meters of the indoor distance and within 8 meters of the outdoor distance, entry is prohibited to prevent injury caused by step voltage and contact voltage. First aid personnel will not be subject to this restriction, but protective measures should be taken.
(5) The automatic fire extinguishing device used to extinguish cable fire accidents should use fire extinguishers to extinguish cable fire accidents, such as fire extinguishers, "1211" fire extinguishers, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, etc. It can also be covered with dry sand or loess layer; If using water to extinguish the fire, use a spray gun; If the fire is fierce and cannot be extinguished in multiple ways, it can be carried out by turning off the power, filling the cable trench with water, and blocking common faults with tap water.


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